Four Important Tips for Handling and Storing Vaccines

Four Important Tips for Handling and Storing Vaccines

In the medical field, vaccinations are essential for tending to all kinds of health concerns. If you’re handling vaccinations or are in charge of keeping medications stored, you need to make sure you’re fully aware of what you’re doing.

When it comes to vaccine storage and handling, there are plenty of important aspects that need to be considered. From keeping everything in proper vaccine storage refrigerators to understanding various health regulations and guidelines, here are some helpful tips for properly handling and storing vaccinations:

  • Utilize quality vaccine storage refrigerators — According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccinations that should be frozen require temperature ranges of negative 58 degrees Fahrenheit and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t have quality vaccine storage refrigerators inside your lab, all your medications, vaccines, and ingredients will be in jeopardy of expiring or deteriorating. In addition to storage refrigerators, medical freezers are essential for storage, as well. Make sure you find a high-quality storage refrigerator and vaccine freezer for pharmaceuticals and other vaccinations.
  • Understand vaccine handling guidelines — When it comes to handling pharmaceuticals and medications, it’s imperative that you are adhering to the most updated recommendations and best practices. There are plenty of resources online that you can view in order to educate yourself on proper vaccine storage, temperature monitoring equipment, training staff, and how to prepare for energy situations involving vaccinations.
  • How to transport vaccinations — Storing vaccinations is one thing, but properly transporting them — especially during healthcare emergencies, can be quite tricky. Make sure you’re sufficiently planning for any potential equipment failures, natural disasters, power outages, and any other extenuating circumstances that could hinder efficient vaccine transport.
  • Never handle vaccinations alone — More than one person needs to be designated to handle any type of vaccination. Additionally, it’s best that everyone in the office or scientific environment is aware of the basics of vaccine handling, including what to do during emergency situations. At least one or two backup workers should be comfortable with every aspect of vaccine storage and handling.

If you want to learn more about medical freezers and scientific refrigerator storage, give K2 Scientific a call right away.

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