News & Views – Pharmacy freezer

man working in a medical laboratory

New Patent for Conjugate Vaccine Development An...

Vaccines are estimated to prevent more than 2.5 million unnecessary deaths each year, so CRM 197’s sudden abundance could push that number even higher.

New Patent for Conjugate Vaccine Development An...

Vaccines are estimated to prevent more than 2.5 million unnecessary deaths each year, so CRM 197’s sudden abundance could push that number even higher.

Importance of Vaccinations: 6 Diseases that Vaccines Prevent

Importance of Vaccinations: 6 Diseases that Vac...

A stand-alone freezer for vaccines will help ensure that the medication will be as effective as possible, subsequently saving lives across the globe.

Importance of Vaccinations: 6 Diseases that Vac...

A stand-alone freezer for vaccines will help ensure that the medication will be as effective as possible, subsequently saving lives across the globe.

How does Coronavirus Effect Medical Grade Cold Storage Needs for Doctors, Hospitals, and Pharmacies?

How does Coronavirus Effect Medical Grade Cold ...

Each day the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the United States is growing. If you find you have an emergent need for additional cold storage space, keep in mind...

How does Coronavirus Effect Medical Grade Cold ...

Each day the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the United States is growing. If you find you have an emergent need for additional cold storage space, keep in mind...

Pharmacists and Pharmacy owners: How to Purchase Medical-Grade Refrigerators and Freezers for Storing Children’s Vaccines

Pharmacists and Pharmacy owners: How to Purchas...

When looking into adequate vaccine storage, suppliers should offer medical-grade refrigerator and freezer units that meet all CDC requirements. As you compare manufacturers with the latest designs, make sure they...

Pharmacists and Pharmacy owners: How to Purchas...

When looking into adequate vaccine storage, suppliers should offer medical-grade refrigerator and freezer units that meet all CDC requirements. As you compare manufacturers with the latest designs, make sure they...

3 Cold Storage Professional Tips and Best Practices Every Pharmacist Should Follow

3 Cold Storage Professional Tips and Best Pract...

Equipment in your pharmacy may be at risk if you fail to perform regular maintenance. Not following best practices could result in inferior medical refrigeration and lab freezer performance, causing...

3 Cold Storage Professional Tips and Best Pract...

Equipment in your pharmacy may be at risk if you fail to perform regular maintenance. Not following best practices could result in inferior medical refrigeration and lab freezer performance, causing...

The world is rushing towards a vaccine for COVID-19. Are they close?

The world is rushing towards a vaccine for COVI...

Vaccines allow the body to fight against a small and harmless amount of a potential virus or bacteria, allowing the body to develop the ability to fight against that infection...

The world is rushing towards a vaccine for COVI...

Vaccines allow the body to fight against a small and harmless amount of a potential virus or bacteria, allowing the body to develop the ability to fight against that infection...

5 Benefits of a Pharmaceutical-Grade Refrigerator

5 Benefits of a Pharmaceutical-Grade Refrigerator

Without a reliable cold storage solution, medical facilities can lose their materials, face financial consequences, experience a decrease in productivity, and put patients they serve at serious risk. This is...

5 Benefits of a Pharmaceutical-Grade Refrigerator

Without a reliable cold storage solution, medical facilities can lose their materials, face financial consequences, experience a decrease in productivity, and put patients they serve at serious risk. This is...